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It’s finally Friday, which means absolutely nothing for except that the hubby will be home for the next two days. Additionally, I may even let myself sleep in, but we’ll see about that. My Friday began like any other with Dunkin’ Donuts coffee and some morning news. Naturally, I am never lonely during this period as the dogs are always excited to spend time with me in the mornings.

Today’s my abs and yoga day. I started a little earlier since my yoga class got moved up a half and hour. This week’s ab workout included skipping rope, which I continue to suck at. Fortunately, it’s a good way to get my heart rate up. As for the rest of the workout, I’m amazed at how much easier some of the workout are becoming. Of course, I’m sure Kayla Itsines will ramp up the workouts as the weeks progress. Needless to say, I’ll enjoy my brief respite from incompetence and inability.

Since I had teacher training this afternoon, I opted to take my yoga class via Zoom today. Fortunately, the boys only interrupted me 5-6 times and only once during shavasana. Needless to say, I was not so peaceful when asking them to leave me alone. Jen’s class was so good today! We did some great work opening up the entire body. With the new schedule, I know get 75 minutes of yoga with Jen on Thursday’s and Friday’s. Truly, it’s a great way to end the week.

Unfortunately, my yoga teacher training got cancelled today due to a family emergency. I was bummed. However, I felt rushed all morning I gotta and kind of enjoyed being able to take a break. Also, my teacher has been working non-stop since the pandemic started, so truly it was good for her to have a bit of a break. With all the stress of our current world, it’s important to take time for oneself and one’s family. Thankfully, we’ll pick up right where we left off next Friday.

Since I didn’t have yoga teacher training, I brought Goalielocks to his friends’ clubhouse to hang out with his friends. Naturally, since he goes to high school in Boca, all his friends’ live in Boca. In fact, most of us them live near his uncle’s place. They have gotten together a couple times since the state has started to reopen. However, they spend their time hanging out outside where there’s less risk of sharing the coronavirus. Also, it’s good to get him out of the house. He hadn’t left the house in weeks until he went to his friend’s clubhouse last week.

Meanwhile, I was feeling pretty bummed last night about how far backward my foot/ankle progress had gone. I’m happy to report that today was much better. Significantly, I’m not the having pain in my heal anymore. This is great news. I treaded lightly in yoga and skipped some downward dogs as it irritates the injury. Needless to say, I’m glad that it’s feeling much better today. Naturally, I’ll try it out on the treadmill tomorrow with a brief walk. If if feels okay during the warmup, I’ll log my run.

Tonight we’re chilling watching Seinfeld. My middle son doesn’t understand what’s so funny about it. In fact, he finds the show quite vexing. Obviously, he doesn’t know what he’s missing. For dinner, we had some great chicken sausage bolognese courtesy of HelloFresh. It was mighty tasty. My Mayor, who used to by my adventurous eater, has become quite picky. He didn’t want to eat the zucchini or sausage. Thankfully, he actually ate the pasta.

Last night, the hubby brought the boys down to Kendall Ice Arena for an evening skate. This was the first time the Mayor has been on the ice since the pandemic started. Naturally, it makes the most sense for us if we can get both boys on the ice at the same time. Especially if we’re driving down to Miami. Needless to say, both boys were happy to spend sometime back on the ice. The Mayor was especially happy since it was his first time back in the rink since March!

As I leave you all for the night, I’d like to renew my request for prayers for my friends. Michelle is struggling with Covid19 and is in horrific pain. Please pray that the pain will abate and that she starts to heal. My friend Sharyn and her son Jorden remain in Arizona while Jorden undergoes treatment for his injuries. He has significant pain and his mom is enduring significant stress during this time. Please pray for peace for Sharyn and healing for Jorden. Please also pray for Cole, who underwent chemo this week in his battle against osteosarcoma. All of your prayers are appreciated!

Here’s a list of our day’s activities:

*Reading O Pioneers by Willa Cather

*Morning and afternoon meditation

*Gentle Flow with Jenn at Open Heart Yoga Studio

*Took obligatory picture of Anakin

*Obedience training Anakin

*Still missing my airmen!! I love him!

*Worked on building my website

*Week 4 BBG 2.0 day 5 abs

*Took Anakin, Maya and Athena out for a walk

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