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One of my favorite songs growing up was the Scorpions Winds of Change, this power ballad by a rock band best known for heavy rock anthems became the soundtrack for the end of the Cold War and the reunification of East and West Germany.  The song is inextricably linked to that seismic shift in our world, but I think of it often when a major change is coming down the pike.  After all, the only constant in life is constant change.

Inspirational Quotes Sailing Sailing Quotes Inspirational. Quotesgram

Change is tough, even when it is a change for the better. In order to be effective at change management, you need to embrace that change is inevitable and change is good.    One of the things that is toughest about change is that you cannot control it.  You can, however, control your reaction to change.  I love the Thomas Monson quote of controlling the wind.   You can’t control the wind, but you can adjust your sails.

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Ultimately, if the winds change course and you refuse to adjust your sails, you will be blown off your course.  If, however, you adjust your sails to the changes in winds, you can maintain your course.  Be flexible in your path and understand that change and obstacles are a part of the journey.  Focus on your end game, set sail, adjust your sails when needed and you will find success.

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