Season Is Over


Well, the Mayor’s season is over. Of course, the orthopedic surgeon will have the final word. Hubby took him to urgent care last night where they confirmed the fracture via x-ray. The x-ray shows a nasty fracture but is a bit comical since it’s an x-ray of him giving the middle finger. Unfortunately, he will be seeing an orthopedic surgeon on Monday due to the severity of the fracture.

He originally injured his finger in Pittsburgh, but it wasn’t broken only a bit swollen. Of course, there may have been some mendacity on his part, so he could still play in Canada. I will say I’m a bit envious of his pain tolerance. The way he played and acted, you’d think everything was completely fine. We had to beg him to take ibuprofen to help bring down the swelling.

Where can you reduce clutter in your life?

Over the last twenty-four years or so of raising kids, we’ve amassed a lot of stuff. A lot of which is no longer necessary. We no longer need any of the hand-me-downs since the boys are all in adult sizes. Slowly, but surely we’re going through their bedrooms to clean out the clutter. Fortunately, we have a lot of stuff that we can donate to Goodwill, so these items will get more use. Some of the stuff, however, will need to go straight to the dump.

I started cleaning out the clutter from the laundry room and kitchen while the guys were in Pittsburgh. Honestly, it looks so much better and induces a lot less stress. We still have more stuff to work through, but hopefully, we’ll be fully de-cluttered in the laundry room and kitchen before the end of the month. Lord knows we will have plenty of time now that his season is over.