
The day after the Super Bowl should be a national holiday. After all, it’s estimated that over 16.1 million Americans will call out sick today with the Super Bowl Flu. Although I only made it past Usher’s performance before heading to bed, I fully support another Monday off work. We work way too much in this country instead we should focus on things that matter like our family, puppies, and baking.

Speaking of baking, I made two more loaves of sourdough French bread. They turned out amazing and are currently residing in my new breadbox. I also made chocolate star sourdough bread, which tasted much better than it looked. Honestly, I’m not sure what happened, but instead of looking like a star, it looks like a mutant octopus. Oh well, it just means that I’ll have to try again. Next time I’ll ask for the intercession of Saint Elizabeth the patron saint of baking. Now if today were a holiday, I could have tried again today. But no, here I am at work like schmuck.

I did make some potato crisps and spinach puffs for the big game, which we enjoyed with some brisket the hubby made. As for commercials, my favorite was the Dunkin’ Donuts ad with JLo, Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, and Tom Brady. I did enjoy Usher’s halftime performance, especially the closing number. However, why can’t they get the sound right for the halftime performers? Year after year the audio sucks, which detracts from the whole experience.

If you had the power to change one law, what would it be and why?

If I had the power to change one law, it would be to suspend parking fines for elephants here in Florida. I thought I would pick something silly. Otherwise, there are so many stupid laws on the books that I’d be here all day.