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Some Days

Some days are just tougher than others. Work was super slow. Honestly, I wasn’t feeling it at all. Nonetheless I managed to pull out a few sales, which was great. I’m hoping that the lead flow will pick up considerably next week. Otherwise the last week of February is going to be a long one.

Perhaps it was the weather that set off my not so fabulous mood. It was unusually cloudy and gray here for most of the morning. I get it, I’m entirely spoiled when it comes to the weather. Nevertheless, I hate those days that are bleak and gray. To be fair, the cloudy weather didn’t last all day. Thank god we live in Florida where if you wait a few hours, the weather will be beautiful again.

My morning did start off with a wonderful cup of coffee from Dunkin. In fact, it was so good I degusted it as I started my work day. This is the third week that I’ve been off of Splenda. I had to give up artificial sweeteners as part of my new program. It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for awhile and the program gave me the push to do it. I had toyed with the idea of breaking out the teapot for tea, but decided against it.

I’m looking forward to an relaxing evening of relaxation and Netflix on the couch with the Hubby and our puppies. We started watching the show Norsemen on Netflix. It’s absolutely fabulous. If you loved Vikings and Monty Python, you’ll love this show. They filmed it in both Norwegian and English, who I is great. I like having the captions on even while watching the English version as some of the accents are quite thick.

Arduous Week

It’s been an arduous week at work. Unfortunately, the workload continues to be super light. I have been able to make the most of the resources I’ve been given. In fact, I’m one of the top in the department, but I’m bored. I like being busy at work. Boredom is not a friend of mine. Although the quizzical characters I get to talk to some days do keep it interesting.

I’ve been continuing the BBG program. I’m re-doing last week’s workouts since I missed the ab workout. It’s an arduous, but productive program. It’s super challenging like P90X, but it takes less time. The reasonable time investment is a huge plus with the program. Moreover, the program includes four cardio and three stretch workouts, so your week is well rounded with strength, cardio and stretch. This was a problem for me previously and most likely why I injured myself.

I’m going to work tomorrow since the hubby has to work as well. We’re required to work two weekends during the open enrollment period, which isn’t terrible. Hopefully, it will be a productive Saturday. Typically, the lead flow is light, but if the quality is high one can have a great production day. I’m hoping for high volume and high quality. Otherwise, I’ll be cleaning the waxy surface of my desk. This weekend we have no hockey, so Sunday will be spent relaxing.

Yesterday we got to talk to Jake, which is always a treat. He looked great despite being exhausted. The last couple of weeks he’s looked tired, but yesterday he looked great. I can’t wait to see him again. It will be so special to have all my boys under one roof! That day can’t come soon enough! Did I mention I can’t wait?!?

Super Sunday

No surprise here, but our Super Sunday was spent at the rink. This was definitely a source of angst when the schedule first came out. The Mayor had two make up games Sunday afternoon in Pines and Coral Springs. Originally, the games were supposed to be at home, but a fire at the rink derailed that plan. The first game was a biggie because if they won it, they’d make states. Spoiler alert, they won!

They played the Florida Warrior, who they hadn’t played previously. I thought we got off to a bit of a shaky start, but once the Mayor got the scoring started it was all over. The boys ended up winning 6-0 with goals from five different kids and tons of assists. That’s exactly what you want to see on the scoresheet. Admittedly, we were all a bit nervous because the kids hadn’t practiced for over a week. Thank god they weren’t too rusty.

Between games we headed to Publix to grab the Mayor a sub. They barely had any time between games, but he needed to eat something. The second game was a much harder contest against Goldenwolves Black. It was a good, fast-paced game with little drama, but in the end they lost 2-0. Honestly, they could have won the game, but couldn’t finish. The Mayor had a great opportunity, but his stick broke on the shot.

Naturally, like everyone else my age, I wanted to see the halftime show. The two things i was excited to watch were the Air Force Heritage Flight Flyover and the halftime time show. Fortunately, I was able to catch the flyover right before the Mayor’s game started. And as luck would have it, the game ended minutes before the show started. I was able to watch the halftime show with my fellow hockey mom and dads as we collectively reminisced over the music and artists performing. It was magical.

Perfect Day

So today’s theme for bloganury is perfect day. How fitting that yesterday suck and today was a much better day. Was it perfect now? But on the whole it was significantly better than yesterday. In fact, even the puppies were on board for a better day. To be fair, however, they did lose their morning front yard privileges. Their morning and afternoon trips outside were relegated to the backyard, which apparently is not as interesting.

At work, things were much better as well. It wasn’t the knockout days I’d come accustomed to during AEP, but it was good. Goalielocks was able to go back to school after staying home the last few days with the flu. Tamiflu is definitely a wonder drug. It knocked out the worst of his symptoms pretty quickly. We kept him home until he had been without a fever for 24 consecutive hours. Yesterday would have been just short of the requisite 24 hours, so he stayed home.

Since the new year started, my ability to wake up early and workout had disappeared. Consequently, I ran two miles and walked a mile over my lunch. It’s actually a really nice way to breakup the workday and collect my sanity. Moreover, a good run always helps improve my energy and erase any negativity from the morning. The puppies would love for me to run outside, but the impact is just too much for me at this time. Hopefully, once I get back from Charleston, I can get back into my early morning habit.

Today may not have been the perfect day, but it was a great day! The highlight, of course, was talking to Jake. He looked and sounded really good today. In fact, he didn’t look as tired as usual. Thankfully, work and school continue to go really well for him. I just love getting the call from him and seeing how good he looks and sounds. It definitely puts this mom’s mind at ease.


2021 is almost over and I can’t wait. It’s not been an awesome year in many respects. On the other hand, it’s been a fantastic year. Professionally, I excelled an am a top producer on my team. More importantly I love my job. I look forward to what 2022 will bring me from a professional standpoint.

2021 saw us move our son out of his first apartment. This was quite the milestone for all of us. Fortunately, we had a great deal of support from our family both emotionally and literally. My folks travelled to Utah to help us get Jake packed. We wanted to take as much work of his shoulders as we could. Thankfully, we did a great job getting him situated while maximizing his free time.

This fall has brought a number of challenges, not all of which will be shared here, that seemed insurmountable. First, I broke my little toe. How something so little can hurt so much is a mystery to me. Also, I learned to avoid MD Now at all costs. Then the Hubby nearly sawed the tips of his fingers off. Again this experience reiterated why we should continue to avoid MD Now. Next a goon kicked the Mayor in the thigh with his skate resulting in a large gash. Fortunately, MedExpress was able to treat him .

Of course one of the biggest challenge of the early fall was saying goodbye to Maya. She has been such an important part of our life for the last twelve years. I miss being greeted by her deep bark when I come home. We miss here dearly and so do Anakin and Athena. They’re adjusting well, but Athena was depressed for a couple of months after Amaya passed.

This year I did a great job of running and doing BBG regularly. I’ll definitely look to continue this trend in 2022. Although to be honest, I’ve taken off the last week and a half due to a cold. I finally started running again Tuesday and my lungs felt like they were going to explode. My run today and yesterday went much better and my lungs feel good. Tomorrow we’ll ring in the New Year with a 4 on 4 tournament at Skatezone. Should be fun.

Two Years

I can’t believe it’s been two years since Jake left for BMT. The heartbreak and pride I felt that day are still fresh in my mind and soul. It was such an off juxtaposition of emotions. While we have adjusted to our new normal, the house simply isn’t the same without him. In the two short years he’s served, he has accomplished a lot. We couldn’t be more proud. Here’s a throwback to Dec 10, 2019.

Made it

After a sixteen hour shift yesterday, I can say I made it. AEP is over and normal life can resume. It’s been a crazy, productive and draining seven weeks, but I’m proud of how it went. However, I’m relieved the grind is over for a bit. Today was so dead, they let us leave early which was a total gift. It was slow, I was starting to fall asleep at my desk.

Since I got off earlier than expected, I was able to get some stuff down around the house. I took care of the laundry that’s been waiting to be fold since AEP started. I’m only kidding, the laundry hasn’t been sitting around that long. While I folded laundry and took care of the dishes, I finished the current season of the Great British Bake-off. I love that show and will be baking a ton over the next four days.

The best part of yesterday was receiving videos and photos of my oldest’s promotion ceremony. It was so much fun to see him being promoted. Moreover, I loved seeing the camaraderie that exists within his squadron. Honestly, love seeing how well he is loved and treated. It definitely puts my mom heart and mind at ease. The Hubby and I are so proud!

Almost There

I’m almost there. Four more days of our crazy season and I’ll be done. It’s been fun and productive, but I’m utterly exhausted. I look forward to getting more sleep and seeing people socially again. This year’s AEP has gone much better than last years. It’s a bit easier since it’s my second year and I’m not fighting for a permanent spot.

Today was a pain in the ass. Tech rolled out an update to our CRM. The problem was, however, that the business forgot to include lead delivery to our department and a few others in the requirements. Consequently, we sat twiddling our thumbs this morning until IT fixed the system. This makes me appreciate the amazing partnership we had (the business) with IT and our operations partners during our Salesforce rollout at Kaplan.

Of course, today’s highlight was the phone xcall from Jake. He looked good. His wifi is so spotty that it’s hard to hear him at times. Nonetheless, it’s great to hear his voice and see his face. Thankfully, he continues to look and sound great, which eases this mama’s mind. I’m sure going to miss having him home for Christmas this year. Hopefully, he’ll be able to come home next Christmas.

The puppies continue to be the best sales assistants a gal can find. Although poor Athena’s belly has been rumbling all day. The diet dog food does a number on her guy. She is, however, losing weight which is super important. Anakin was trying to convince me to share my breaded chicken with him tonight. Honestly, it was quite cute even if he was being annoying. The Mayor made dinner for us tonight, which was super helpful. Meanwhile, I’m almost there; to the end of AEP!

Great Day

Today was a great day. I love seeing all the love our veterans got on social media today. These men and women wrote a blank check to our country to protect our freedoms. Moreover, they paved the way for those serve today. I’m forever grateful for their sacrifice and proud to be a Blue Star mom.

We dedicated a wall to our family members that have served. Obviously, Jake is the centerpiece. I’m still waiting to finish it. At this point, I still need the pictures of the Hubby’s dad, brother, stepdad and grandfathers. Once they’re up on the wall, the collection will be complete. It is going to look awesome once it’s done.

The best part of my great day was the call from Jake. Since his schedule has changed a bit, we know have our weekly call on Thursdays instead of Sundays. It’s something to look forward to on Friday eve. Also, it’s a signal that Friday is almost here. What could be bad about that?!?! Nada my friend. I’m finishing my great day with some Panthers and Wild hockey.


So life is back to normal now that our trip is over. Honestly I’m missing the mountains and my family, but my sinuses and skin are loving the Florida humidity. Even though we’re back to our normal routine, the sting of the goodbyes is omnipresent. It’s really hard to not be able to see Jake whenever and wherever we want. We really miss having him in the house.

Of course, he’s exactly where he’s supposed to be and is thriving. We couldn’t be happier with the path he’s chosen. Moreover, he’s absolutely killing it in his new role. Not only is he killing it at work, he’s killing it at school. He’s knocking out several classes a quarter. And by several, I mean 7-8 in one term.

I’ve found that the best way to cope with the goodbyes is to start planning the next trip. This, at least, gives me something to look forward to. Hopefully, we’ll be able to visit him in the spring or early summer. I’d love to see Utah at that time of the year. The mountains and trails change Witt the season, which is amazing. Each season brings a different flavor to the landscape.

I finally feel like I’m back on Eastern time, so I’m ready to go to bed. Yesterday I felt like I was still on mountain time, which worked to my benefit given how late we got home. This weekend life will really be back to normal as the Mayor has a hockey tournament. Goalielocks will be officiating all weekend, which will earn him a nice chunk of change. Anyway, I’m off to bed!